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ESP8266 12E V1 board which is based on the ESP8266 Wifi module to get data from the via ThingSpeak API using thingHTTP.

We used an 0.96" OLED display for making a dashboard for all the real time data are

“Corona Virus” Image in Frame 1

“Covid-19 india” Text in Frame 2

“Cases” which had an outcome in Frame 3

‘Deaths”  which had an outcome in Frame 4

‘Recovered “ Dischared cases  which had an outcome in Frame 5

“Text” Text in Frame 6


 Refer Blog for more details.


Demo video:


Node MCU based COVID-19 INDIA Live tracker

SKU: D115
  • Contains Arduino Programming code .ino format. All component purchase seperately and connection to be made yourself as per circuit diagram.Do you have knowledge is required to make this project, Think before purchasing the Programming code.

    Assembled Kit and price contact email:

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